Thursday, 15 October 2009

Faith for healing

Just got back from prayer and fasting yesterday. Several hundred leaders from around the country gathered to worship and pray together. God encouraged us to look back to where we had come from and see how far he has brought us. From a handful of churches we now have churches in many nations across the globe.

We are also seeing healing on a scale we have never seen before. We heard many stories of people stepping out in faith and seeing God move in power to heal the sick. At NewDay over 300 young people felt God had healed them in some way. Ears where opening and allergies going. Also, many churches are taking God’s healing power out on to the streets and seeing God heal arms and backs.  So funny to hear of peoples utter surprise, often expressed in four letter words, when they actually got healed.

God has spoken to us about seeing breakthrough in this whole area and so I am saturating myself in stories of healing both in the bible and more recent testimonies. Biblically it seems to me we don’t need a complicated detailed theology of healing. Jesus heals people and says we will do it too in his name. As with most things in the bible the hard part is actually stepping out in faith and doing it.  

I’m reading “In pursuit of the Miraculous” by Roy Todd at the moment which so far is a very inspiring but down to earth account of his journey into the miraculous. For more vintage healing testimonies you might want to take a look at “God can do it again” by Kathryn Kuhlman. If you’re a web person there’s also tones of testimonies on youtube particularly the ‘healing on the streets’ stuff.

Recently we opened the prayer room at the side of the stage on a Sunday morning so that after each Sunday meeting we can pray for people. The response has been great and I look forward to testimonies of what God is doing.

Another key theme that came though strongly at prayer and fasting on the last day was a rising sense of militancy to see Gods kingdom come. That was so encouraging as God has been speaking to us very clearly about engaging in the battle. At kings we have just finished our “a call to action” preaching mini series but I don't want to move on  too quickly. I want to keep fighting the fight of faith because I believe God is going to break out in unprecedented ways.