Wednesday 17 February 2010

Fond memories

Yesterday evening I went to the UEA to speak at the CU. It was so good to be back there again after all these years and it brought back some great memories. Three years spent researching, designing and programming computer graphics effects for fire and explosions. Cool! It was great to have so much time and freedom to pursue my interests but that wasn’t the best thing about being at the UEA nor was it memories of late nights hunched in front of a computer screen that filled my mind. You see, towards the end of my time at the UEA I became a Christian.

I was invited by a really great guy in my lab to an event in the CU mission’s week and to cut a long story short, at the end of the talk I put my hand up and said “yes I want to trust in Jesus Christ”. No single decision has changed my life as much as that one and yet after I had given my life to Christ I felt no different. The next morning I kind of wished I’d not been so hasty (although I had been looking into it for over 7 years). A friend came round and we dumped a load of unhelpful stuff I had accumulated in a nearby skip. In the days that followed I began to experience a change form the inside out. Changes of desires and joy and peace. A little while later I was baptised in water and then a short time after that I was filled with the Holy Spirit (it wasn’t all as simple as it sounds but I’ll leave that for another time). And here I was again, wanting so much to encourage these guys and serve them as best I could. And they had given me a great passage to do just that. Acts chapter 2!

Acts 2 is a key chapter in an amazing book. It is I believe one of the most important chapters in the whole bible, second of course to the ones about Jesus’ death and resurrection but of unique significance to us and God’s purposes in the world. If it wasn’t for the events described in this chapter, mission would have misfired, I would not have heard the gospel, I would not have been saved and I dread to think what life would have been like. 

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