I was preaching on Acts 3:1-21 and decide late last night that I had too much material. I always get two thirds of the way through a preach and have to rush the rest so I decided to only do two out of my seven points and leave lots of time for prayer at the end. As it was I only got through one and a half of them and was my usual 40 minutes. Oh well. My plan was to preach through the healing miracles in Acts but it seems as if I could do the whole series on this one passage!
The passage is about Peter healing a man who can't walk and coincidently I have been flowing Delia Knox's unfolding testimony at the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival for the last week or so. Basically she was in a car accident some 22 years ago and was left paralysed from the waist down with no feeling in her legs. As she was prayed for last week she got some feeling back, then stood up and with a lot of help walked around for a bit.
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Delia Knox |
What you are watching happened right in front of me at the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival on August 27, 2010. Many of us here in Mobile, AL have known Bishop Levy Knox and his wife Delia for many years. Delia was injured in a car accident on Christmas Day, 1987, and was paralyzed from the waist down. She has had absolutely no feeling in her legs for 23 years. Until now. If you have never seen Jesus make the lame to walk... get ready. pastormarkDLF August 27, 2010
Same thing here I think:
On subsequent nights she improved still further until in the last few days she has walked unaided. That is amazing!!! I'm trying to be as sure as I can that it's for real but so far not a hint for any foul play! Its really encouraging!
Here she seems to have more strength and need less hlep:
Sept. 3, 2010
And in this most recent one she is walking unaided at times!
September 04, 2010
And here's another version taken on a phone by the look of it:
Everyone is saying she was totally paralyzed for 22 years below the waist and now she is walking! Wow. And I am speaking on Peter and John healing a man crippled form birth who could not walk. A more serious condition I grant you, and one that was healed much quicker (he is jumping around a few minutes after being healed) but this is never the less the most amazing testimony I have seen! I'll keep following it.
(Others links
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